Tuesday 23 August 2011

Endometriosis: 10 reasons to go running

Endometriosis: 10 reasons to go running

Endometriosis is crippling. Pain management is important, and  I know ladies, exercise can be THE LAST thing on your mind when the pain strikes.

But, as an endo warrior who is on a journey with my running and training for a half marathon, here is why I think you should give it a go:

1. Exercise gives you back control; one day you may be in bed on painkillers but the next you are out there doing 9 miles and winning.

2. The body releases endorphins after exercise which are natural painkillers. Hear that? PAINKILLERS. :)

3. Exercise classes are amazing but I know myself I have often had to cancel if the pain strikes. A run can be whenever you need and are able to.

4.  It's cheap. Get some good trainers and go. No excuses.

5.  It will clear your head - I am often indoors having to rest so a run is a blast of fresh air.

6. It will help manage your weight. Endo is often associated with other oestrogen dominant conditions and hormone fluctuations which affect weight, like PCOS. Running will help control the flab and make you feel fab!

7. You won't feel so bad on rest days or days when endo flares up if you know you will be out there at least 3 times a week by routine.

8. It will help manage depression and low mood associated with chronic pain disorders. I promise, I am always less depressed when running.

9. You will feel free. Running gives an incredible feeling of freedom, owning those pavements plugged into music and really living.

10. It gives you some warrior determination - getting better at running, pushing yourself further as and when you can fires up that inner warrior. Endo warriors have a big fight on their hands and you need all the strength you can.

Endo brings enormous fatigue and pain so to go for a run is not always either advisable or physically possible, but give yourself a goal to run and do it when you can.

So my sisters I urge you to try. For me. Just keep putting one step in front of the other.




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